Thanks for saying Thanks

We want to share some recent feedback – a great example of our Duncan McKenzie Property triangle (Property, Landlord, Tenant) in action below, with everything working together smoothly.

 “We’re emailing to thank you for all the amazing support around our old flat. We really appreciate it and with your help and expertise the transition with the sale and the Tenant was excellent.” 

Thank you to our loyal landlords, and tenants, and please do continue to keep in touch – we always welcome your feedback.

End of Tenancy Cleaning

There is a big difference between end of tenancy cleaning and just keeping the flat generally clean and tidy through the tenancy.  We try and prepare tenants for the enormity of the job but they very often don’t understand the length of time it all takes and if you have been living in a flat for 2 or 3 years or more the task becomes even more enormous.

Many tenants try and do this on their own and we find that we are still picking up on many areas that are missed at the end, such as woodwork on doors, skirting boards and tops of kitchen cabinets.

Very often it needs a professional company to do this.

After many years of being in the business and having issues with cheap cleaning companies, we use Dublcheck cleaning for a number of reasons:

  • Each job is priced taking into account fully the expected time.
  • The time they attribute to tasks are accurate.
  • They work to the cleaning checklist standards we give them and the tenant.  This ensures that pre tenancy and post tenancy cleans meet the same standards.
  • They do not charge for returning to deal with areas that are missed (which cheaper cleaning companies do and the cost ends up being more), and we can rely on them to come out at short notice between tenancies to ensure that cleaning is complete before the next tenant moves in.

Please ask us for details of the companies we use so that you can ensure your end of tenancy clean meets the required standards.

Do you know what to do in case of an emergency?

We’re all reminded to check smoke alarms annually, but do you know where your utilities shut off points are located in your property?

Set a regular reminder to check the following:

  • Water mains stopcock
  • Gas
  • Electricity

If you’re unsure, contact us today for guidance.

Edinburgh Trades Fortnight

We’re now into the Edinburgh Trades – the traditional holiday time when many contractors are away until 17th July.

While things might be a bit slower to deal with at this time, we do have contractor cover, so please continue to notify us as soon as there is an issue – don’t wait until it becomes an emergency. We’ll endeavour to have matters resolved as soon as possible for you.

And please note that the Duncan McKenzie Property office will be closed from 5pm on Wednesday 2nd August – reopening on Wednesday 16th August.

Prior to closure, we will issue a list of numbers you can use during that time for emergency maintenance issues.

The dreaded black mould and how to deal with it

Now that the heatwave has passed, and the weather returns to our more normal Scottish summertime pattern, you might find yourself back indoors after the barbies…

Time for a little cleaning to put some sparkle and sheen back into your living quarters?

The problem is, without regular attention, particularly in the bath/shower area, nasties like black mould and scum can build up, eventually becoming almost impossible to get rid of.

Over the years, we’ve had great success with some standard supermarket finds and household hints and tips. We have found a wonderful spray product for silicone and grout – spray on, leave for 10 minutes, and wash off. Used once a week, it will prevent any mould from appearing and will remove it before it becomes a bigger issue. It’s as easy as that, and you can have clean white silicone and fresh tiles all the time.

So don’t leave it all until the inspection – for happier, healthier, calmer living, reach for the rubber gloves… or call us now for more information!

Shaping up for Summer

Maybe you’ve had your property a while, and your loyal tenant is comfortable to call it home. But what about your property value? Every so often, a spruce up can prove to be a worthwhile investment :

  • You’ll increase the rental value of your property;
  • You’ll improve your property’s market value;
  • and your property will be more attractive to potential tenants, or existing tenants, which will make for a much happier relationship all round
Photo 20

Before – nice but tired

After – bigger, brighter, better

We’ve carried out more than a few refurbs on behalf of our landlords over the years, so here are some top tips:

  1. Know your budget – will it be a quick refresh, a medium makeover, or a full on refurb? Remember to check with your accountant about tax implications.
  2. Keep things simple – remember it’s not for you, but you’re providing a blank canvas for tenants.
  3. Know your timescales – makeovers can be done quickly with good planning, so prepare in advance to minimise voids.
  4. Speak to your insurance company – your policy might be affected if property is unoccupiedetc.
  5. And speak to us at Duncan McKenzie Property – we can advise on safety considerations, how to tackle structural problems, and work closely with a tried and trusted trades team.

Our feature photo is of a recent property we refurbished for a new landlord. Before it came to us, it was renting for around £430/month. The simple makeover came in on budget, and included painting/decorating; some new kitchen equipment; new lighting; some new soft furnishing; and other minor upgrades around the flat.

Now rents for £626/month, with a very happy tenant proud to call it home.

And when better to start than in the bright, light days of a Scottish summer?!

See you next week!

Wish you were here!

When you’re heading away on holiday, or for an extended period of time, ensuring you follow our top 5 tips will mean a happier homecoming:

  1. Contact us with your holiday dates. (If you’re away for an extended period, your landlord may need to inform the insurance company. And we can arrange property checks in your absence.)
  2. Check dripping taps and inform us of any problems.
  3. Turn off all electrical appliances and plug sockets.
  4. Switch off your boiler for holidays in summer months
  5. Close all internal doors and windows… and don’t forget to lock the door!

And remember – passport? Tickets? Cash? Sunglasses?

Happy Holidays from Duncan McKenzie Property!


Newsflash – New Look News

To all our loyal landlords and tenants – introducing website updates with you in mind.

We’re taking the term ‘user-friendly’ literally – so from now on, we’re going to be updating this Letting News section on a weekly basis, with tips, topics and timely advice.

Every week we’ll feature different property related information snapshots, designed to be useful for tenants, landlords and new clients.

We’ll include the occasional hint or tip to help you round the home and get more from your property; we’ll give out practical signposts like who to contact in different circumstances; and as we grow and develop we’ll keep you informed of what we’re doing to deliver the consistent quality you have grown to expect from Duncan McKenzie Property.

And our big news this week is that we have a new office. So whether you need to collect keys, discuss new requirements or just a quick cup of coffee, drop in and see us, you’re very welcome! We’re at Holyrood Business Park, 146 Duddingston Road West, EDINBURGH, EH16 4AP and our number is0131 285 5050

If you have any ideas about something you’d particularly like us to feature on our home page News, please Contact Us using the Quick Contact box immediately to the right of this page.

Until next week, best wishes




Regulation of Letting Agents in Scotland

New regulations designed to further protect Landlords and Tenants are coming into force from January 2018: Those involved in letting and management will be required to join the Register of Letting Agents. Duncan McKenzie Property welcome such safeguards, and are currently working towards Registration through reviewing our quality manual, policies and procedures and undertaking the necessary qualifications. As always, we’re committed to delivering a quality driven service for your peace of mind. #Professionalism in the Letting Industry.

Thanks to our team of contractors

It has been a busy year for landlords legal compliance – with EICR, Legionella, Smoke Detectors, CO detectors. having to be carried out/installed/updated. Thanks to our team of contractors, we have been able to handle each one carefully. You’ll be pleased to know everything is up to date, and we will continue to take relevant action as it arises. Thanks also to our landlords who are committed, as we are, to providing comfortable, safe properties for our tenants to call home.